According to the report of Yassad News, quoted by the Press Association, in this regard, the government of this country must make a commitment to deal with the “abuse of technology”. The culture, media and sports committee of the British Parliament announced that measures to deal with this problem should become a priority. This is while the English law enforcement and judicial system is not equipped with the necessary tools to deal with it. The delegates also warned that the challenges that arise as a result of the misuse of technology are likely to become more widespread in the future. This term is used to describe a form of domestic violence in which the perpetrator uses technology (Internet-connected devices and social networks) to abuse victims.
Caroline Dinnage, chair of the committee, says: “The increasing use of devices such as smart home security systems, baby monitors, cameras and smart speakers to track, harass, pressure and control victims of domestic abuse is very worrying.” The Committee stated that the use of technology may expand and intensify the patterns of abuse and the access of perpetrators, as perpetrators no longer need to be physically present with victims and survivors to inflict abuse.