According to Yassad News, artificial intelligence is the intelligence that emerges from machines. This technology is used in advanced web search engines such as Google, recommender systems used by YouTube, Amazon and Netflix, human language understanding such as Siri and Amazon Alexa, self-driving cars such as Tesla, generative artificial intelligence or computational creativity such as ChatGPT or the production of artwork such as Dal. -E and Midgerni, automatic decision making and competition are used at the highest levels of strategic game systems. Today, artificial intelligence is no longer a special phenomenon and its applications are limited to specialists and advanced countries. This technology, which is also referred to as the technology of the century or the technological revolution, has gradually opened its place in everyday life
and many daily activities are tied to it. In recent months and with the spread of “ChatGPT” productive intelligence, fears and hopes about this phenomenon have increased because the more its applications and the easier life becomes, the more the fear of its existence and occurrence among the communities and the government. becomes more The loss of some jobs and privacy, the increase of deep fakes and fake news, the malware crisis, the production of automatic weapons and artificial intelligence terrorism are only some of the threats of this technology, which, along with the countless opportunities, governments and international organizations have on it. to impose a new rule against it.