In a part of this letter, Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili condemned the action of the Swedish government to issue a permit for burning the Quran and said: The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to host an extraordinary meeting of the ministers of culture of Islamic countries regarding the adoption of uniform and coordinated positions on the issue of desecration of the holy area of the Holy Quran. In the letter of the Minister of Culture addressed to the Secretary General of the Isesco Organization, it is stated: “Mr. Mr. Dr. Salem bin Al-Malek Dear Secretary General of Isesco You know that, unfortunately, in Sweden, an official government license has been issued for burning the Koran, and this very illegal event was done under the support of the Swedish government, and it has caused dissatisfaction among Muslims all over the world.
The official position of Isesco and especially the secretariat of the meeting of ministers of culture, a member of Isesco, can officially announce and express displeasure and displeasure as an official position. With the knowledge that I have of your Excellency’s records, I am sure that you will not hesitate to take valuable action to prevent similar actions in other countries and for the sake of the peace of Islamic countries
Also, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to host an extraordinary meeting of the ministers of culture of Islamic countries regarding the adoption of uniform and coordinated positions on the issue of desecration of the Holy Qur’an.” It should be noted that the World Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ICESCO) is a specialized organization that operates with the support of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and is engaged in the fields of education, science, culture and communication in Islamic countries and in order to support and strengthen relations between member countries. The headquarters of this organization is located in Rabat.