According to Yassad News, a quote from the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, in a meeting to review the progress of the implementation of this technical and research plan, with the presence of the senior advisor, the vice president of technology and infrastructure, and experts from the development staff of cognitive sciences and technologies. , was held, Mohammad Neshat, director of the Department of Telecommunications and a member of the technical faculty of the University of Tehran, said: The design and construction of the non-invasive stimulation device for the deep areas of the brain began about two years ago with the support of this headquarters and the efforts and cooperation of a team of seven technical and Research has been started in this faculty and this plan is currently being implemented with considerable progress
And so far, most of the design and construction of the tools and equipment needed for this device has been completed, and the steps of simulation and conducting electrical tests and optimizing the arrangement of electrodes have been successfully completed and positive results have been obtained. By stating that the modeling of the monkey head phantom and the electrical recording method of deep brain stimulation have been done, he expressed his hope that with the completion of the implementation process of this technical-research plan, the animal testing of the device will begin in the first stage. In this meeting, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, the senior adviser of the cognitive sciences and technologies development staff, praised the efforts of the technical and research team members in building this device and emphasized that the implementation of this project can bring positive achievements in the field of medicine.