According to Yassad News, Hamid Mankarsi said about the latest statistics on the mutual connection of local messengers to each other: the plan to connect native messengers to each other started with the cooperation of 4 native messengers, and another native messenger has taken the necessary measures to join the connection plan. Native messengers have done and it can be said that it has joined this plan and it is possible to establish communication and mutual connection. He added: We are still insisting that other native messengers be connected to this plan and the possibility of mutual connection in all messengers will be established and this phase will be finalized. He pointed to the latest statistics of users using the cross-connection scheme of native messengers and added:the process of people’s acceptance of the project of connecting native messengers to each other is increasing, and currently 1 million and 200 thousand people have used the plan of mutual connection of messengers. Mankarsi further pointed to the establishment of a company to follow the plan of connecting native messengers and said: One of the plans of the Information Technology Organization is to establish a new company for message exchange centers so that messengers can continue their activities in that center. In the end, he stated that value-added services are to be provided in this company on the platform of mutual connection, and said: This company will be established by the end of the summer of this year.
The connection scheme of internal messengers has three different phases. In the first phase, which was unveiled on May 5, the transfer of messages and files between messengers has been established. The ability to create channels and common groups will also be implemented as a result of the second phase of the project. In the third and final phase of the plan, the possibility of video and voice calls between different messengers will be provided. Users of any of the internal messengers can activate this feature by referring to the software settings, from the privacy and security section, so that the user can allow his favorite messengers to receive messages from other messengers.