News breakdown, the total stock market index at the end of today’s trading has faced a minimum drop of 3479 units and reached the position of 1 million 954 thousand units. In the last week, the results of transactions in the stock market, the outflow of real liquidity (real sales to legal) worth 1 It shows 471 billion tomans. Today, the real liquidity outflow continues for the 11th consecutive day with the figure of 408 billion Tomans. In the last week, the intensity of withdrawal has increased compared to the monthly average. Today, automobiles experienced a weak positive situation, but most of the leader symbols of this group were positive, the value of the purchase queues is 68 billion tomans, which shows a decrease of 44 billion tomans compared to the weekly average.
Meanwhile, the value of the sales queues is in the range of 437 billion Tomans with an increase of 9 billion Tomans compared to the weekly average. The largest value of transactions was allocated to the automotive group with a record of 410 billion tomans. After that, there are banking groups with a transaction value of 296 billion Tomans and basic metals with a transaction value of 260 billion Tomans. The rubber and plastic group had the highest transaction value compared to the weekly average with a transaction value of 54 billion Tomans (2 times the weekly average). After that, there is the electricity and gas supply group with a transaction value of 49 billion tomans (1.4 times the weekly average) and the multi-discipline group with a transaction value of 63 billion tomans (1.3 times the weekly average).